Year 5, Number 19, January 2003


Do children with aggressive behavior have temporal lobe changes?.

Article N° AJ19-3



Patient Population

Eight patients were studied ages ranging 6-12, (3 girls and 5 boys). All were physician referrals for assessment of cerebral blood flow and activity levels in the brain:

Two, one boy and one girl were referred for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The boy had problems with temper and the girl possibly frequent feelings of sadness or depression. One boy had the diagnosis of ADD without hyperactivity.

Two patients, one boy and one girl were diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). They were reported to experience temper problems.

Three patients were diagnosed with autism, two boys and one girl. Two of them had difficulties in concentration, reported by their parents, and the other had temper problems. All were referred with a diagnosis of neuro-cognitive dysfunction. The results of these patient's brain SPECT studies were compared with 10 other randomly selected children referred having similar clinical diagnoses, but whose parents' had answered "no" to the question of whether there was a problem with temper.


Summary | Background | Patient Population | Material and Methods | Analysis | Findings | Conclusion | References | Print



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