Year 8, Number 31, January 2006


Endocrinología, Terapia y Miscelánea
Article N°AJ31-21



Noguera, EC.; Palazzo, E.; Borello, A.; Terlecki, A.; Garcia, JJ.; Mayoraz, M.; Mondino, JC.; Orozco, S.

Nuclear Medicine, Oncology and Surgery Hospital Privado de Córdoba. Argentina. e-Mail ENOGUERA@HOSPITALPRIVADOSA.COM.AR

Noguera, EC.; Palazzo, E.; Borello, A. et al. 99mTc-cysteine-glucosamine in the evaluation of patients with malignancy and histopathologic correlation. Alasbimn Journal 8(31): January 2006.

99mTc-cysteine-glucosamine in the evaluation of patients with malignancy and histopathologic correlation

Due to the high cost and low availability, PET is not accessible to many patients. Labelled 99mTc agents to be used with SPECT could be an alternative to 18FDG-PET. Glucosamine (G) is a six-carbon amino sugar, enters the cells by a glucose transporter system and by phosphate and glycolitic pathways forms glucosamine-6-phosphate. Reacting G with cysteine (C) and label with 99mTc (99mTcCG) could be used with SPECT to show hypermetabolic lesions similar to 18FDG-PET imaging. The aim of this study was to evaluate scintigraphy with 99mTc-CG in detecting tumors and correlate them with histopathology.

Material and Methods: Labelling of 99mTc-CG was done by adding (C), (G), N-hydroxysuccinimide, carbodiimide, and stannous chloride to the 99mTc.

Patients: 35 patients ( 23 F, 12 M, range age 7-79, average 52 ) with histopathology diagnosis by biopsy or surgery, were referred for scintigraphy with 99mTc-CG.

Imaging: Patients fasted for 12 hr, and 1–4 hrs after the i.v. injection of 920-1088 MBq of 99mTc-CG, underwent 1) whole body scan, 2) SPECT images (reconstructed with OSEM algorithm) on the field of view of the lesion. To eliminate the intravascular and interstitial activity of the 99mTc-CG imaging, patients were given 737 MBq of 99mTc human serum albumin(99mTc-HSA) and other SPECT was done. Both SPECT images were normalizad and subsequently the 99mTc-HSA image was subtracted from the 99mTc-CG image. Images were visually analysed according to the following criteria, a) normal: homogeneous uptake, b) abnormal: focal asymetric uptake of 99mTc-CG.

Results: 32 lesions were malignant (breast (5), colon (8), lung (9), Hodgkin’s disease(6), thyroid(1), bladder (1), melanoma (1), ependimoma (1), and 3 were benign (brain radiation necrosis, breast inflamation and inespecific peritoneal granuloma). 99mTc-CG show abnormal focal uptake in all malignant lesions (sensitivity=100%) as well as in two bening lesion (false positive). Accuracy of 99mTcC-G in patients with malign tumors was 94%. SPECT images defined the tumor uptake better than planar imaging. Imagen sustraction (99mTc-CG minus 99mTc-HAS) highlighted the 99mTc-CG abnormal uptake by eliminating the non-tumoral uptake.

Conclusion: Our preliminary study showed that 99mTc-CG is a useful tool for metabolic imaging with SPECT, and might be a good alternative when 18FDG-PET is not available. Image subtraction is helpful in highlight tumor uptake.


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