RAKIDUAM - Knowledge

19 Lines of Research Birth and evolution of structures in the Universe. Stellar populations in the local universe. The extra-galactic scale of distance. Star Formation. Study of brown dwarfs and planetary systems. Supernovas and dark energy. At the Center of Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (CATA), research is done on the formation and study of the structure of the Universe at a large scale, the evolution of galaxies and the formation of starts and extrasolar planets, with the objective of seeking Earth-like planets that could sustain life as we know it. This project makes use of 10% of the time available to Chilean astronomers on the most powerful and modern astronomical instruments in the world; to this we add “intelligence”, a natural resource, like the country’s skies. Radiofrequency technology is developed as part of this project, building Band 1 for the ALMA radio telescope, important technology for communications in the future. Principal Institution: Universidad de Chile. Associated Institutions: Universidad Católica de Chile and Universidad de Concepción. Center of Excellence in Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (CATA)