RAKIDUAM - Knowledge

The work of the Complex Engineering Systems Institute (ISCI) has been considered as a continuum that goes from cutting-edge research to specific application to relevant problems, in subjects that involve an interaction between infrastructure, human behavior and management that require new approaches and methodologies for their resolution. The ISCI research seeks to provide solutions to the problems of companies and institutions through sophisticated analysis and optimization techniques, which include studies of behavior, use of soils, complex transportation systems, on-line elements, optimization of strategic decisions regarding the location of infrastructure and design of supply chains, as well as the interaction between companies, public institutions, markets with few agents, economies of scale and efficiency of markets. The work of this center has a positive impact on society, through projects such as that of the Junta Nacional de Auxilio Escolar y Becas (Junaeb), which signified savings of 20% of the cost of distribution of 1.5 million daily servings of food; mining projects, which has meant improvements in the planning of extraction; the Compañía Sudamericana de Vapores (CSAV) project, of management of fleet of con- tainers, and that of forestry companies, and improvements to transportation and harvesting. Principal Institution: Universidad de Chile. Associated Institutions: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Universidad de los Andes, Universidad de Talca and Universidad de Concepción, Universidad Diego Portales and Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. 35 Complex Engineering Systems Institute (ISCI) Lines of Research Natural resources: applied models and operations management optimization. Analysis of transportation systems: networks, circulation and user behavior. Intelligent networks, distributed generation and tools for decision-making associated with energy. Industrial organization: theory and structure of companies and markets. Logistics, localization and use of soils.