ISSN versión impresa: 0716-2790 | ISSN versión electrónica: 0717-6552

Information in English


The Revista Musical Chilena was founded in 1945 by the distinguished composer Domingo Santa Cruz (1899-1987) --the creator of Chile's main musical institutions-- during his first term as dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Chile.

Therefore, in the present year 2.000 the Revista Musical Chilena has completed 55 years of publication. This anniversary is unmatched by any other musicological periodical of the Spanish-speaking world.

Within a broader perspective of the musicological horizons of Chile and Latin America, the editorial policies are based on a holistic approach toward Chilean and Latin American music both in terms of itself and in terms of its cultural context. It embraces in equal terms music of oral tradition both indigenous and folk, urban popular music, jazz and art music of written tradition, in order to contribute to a better understanding of the significance of music within the cultural blending characteristic of Latin American society. In terms of disciplines the review has followed a broad and flexible orientation encompassing historical musicology, ethnomusicology, systematic musicology, organology along with anthropology of music, ethnomusichistory, music archaeology et al.

Consequently, the article deal with various musical topics, composers, performers, instruments, manuscripts, scholars, research topics, theoretical problems and models as well as new approaches to musicology as discipline in Chile and Latin America.


It is published twice a year and includes articles in Spanish prepared by distinguished scholrs on the various features of Chilean and Latin American music cultures of both oral and written traditions. An annotated bibliography of musicological publications on Latin American topics following the RILM guidelines (Bibliografía Musicológica Latinoamericana) appeared periodically in between 1992 and 1994 as a joint project between the Revista and the Argentine Association of Musicology. According to Dr. Robert Stevenson this bibliography - edited by Dr. Gerardo Huseby - marks "a new epoch in Latin American musicology that merits universal loudest applause". The complete collection of the 46 volumes of the Revista published between 1945 and 1992 is now available on microfiche.

For further information please write Dr. Luis Merino, General Editor. Casilla 2100. Santiago, CHILE.


Price list

Subscriptions all foreign countries

Per year with two issues

US$ 55.00

Individual issues

US$ 30.00

(All prices include air mail postage)


© Departamento de Música - Facultad de Artes - Universidad de Chile
Revista electrónica publicada por Bibliotecas de Artes y SISIB - U. de Chile, 2008